Thursday, April 10, 2008

John McCain: The unifying father figure.

I had the warm and fuzzies posting that title. LOL! Grand Pappy McCain new ad. Hold your laughter.

From Andrew Sullivan's blog:

It's an encouraging sign that McCain is not going to pull a Rove this fall; it's a deft way of dealing with racial difference - check out the number of African-Americans in the ad - and it co-opts the "Goodbye To All That" appeal of Obama. A bit syrupy - and McCain doesn't always live up to its message. But it suggests to me that McCain has figured out the public mood. And sees himself as a unifying father-figure. That's shrewd and encouraging.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

McCain should fire the person who thought up that ad. It was beyond sad and it make you go to sleep. As for the pictures of happy people and then the ending I was left with he still thinks blacks are in South Philly. He can't even sell the magic fake beans.