Tuesday, April 08, 2008

House conservatives ignore housing crisis over the recess.


Traditionally, party leaders prepare “recess kits” for congressional members before they go on break, to help members stay on message. Today, the Hill reports that Republican recess packets distributed on Mar. 13 did not mention the housing crisis at all:

The 21-page document distributed on March 13 addressed economic concerns ranging from overspending to tax hikes to earmarks but did not address the foreclosure crisis. […]

[GOP Conference Chairman Adam] Putnam’s [R-FL] office last month distributed the recess kits, which state that the economy is “slowing.”

GOP members may not be concerned about the economy, but their constituents are. Economists have predicted that 1.4 million Americans will face foreclosure in 2008. A recent poll found that 81 percent of Americans feel the country is on the wrong track, with 78 percent saying the economy is getting worse.

And when the constituents in the lawmakers lose their homes from the housing crisis and are ignored by these same lawmakers that are not taking action of the housing crisis, I bet the constituents will look for to not re-elect these lawmakers back into office.

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