Monday, April 07, 2008

GOP strategist: Condi Rice 'actively campaigning' to be VP.

Raw Story:

On ABC's This Week, Republican strategist Dan Senor said that Condoleeza Rice has been actively campaigning to be John McCain's pick for Vice President.
Speaking of possible Vice President options for McCain, Senor said, "Condi Rice is an option. Tom Ridge is an option.

Although, I think he'd have problems at the convention. Mitt Romney is an option. Condoleeza Rice has been actively campaigning for this. There's this ritual in Washington, The Americans for Tax Reform which is headed by Grover Norquist, holds a weekly meeting of conservative leaders, about 100 or 150 people. Sort of inside chattering class types and they all typically get briefings from political conservative leaders. Ten days ago, they had an interesting visit from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice."

Senor, whose most notable experience was as spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, later added, it was "the first time a Secretary of State has visited the Wednesday meeting. and she wasn't there to talk about the NATO meeting in Bucharest."

George Will, who was also on the panel discussion, said he too thought Rice could be a possible choice. "It is possible," said Will. "In fact, I guess I'm not talking out of school when I say in our green room last week when Senator Lieberman was on he said, well, perhaps Condi and of course Lieberman is very close."


PrissyPatriot said...

Will the fake snob...and Condi, the fake defense secretary. Of course he supports her, Will has supported Bushco sanctioned treason for a long, long time. In fact he's earned a handsome living from it, haven't ya old boy? Wet your finger to see which way Will blows, he and Novak follow the money every time. I wonder what their price was for selling out their country?

airJackie said...

Obama surprised the GOP as they thought Hillary would to the one. So from day one that continued to attack her, Bill and even Chelsea. Now Americans had no problem with the Media calling Hillary a whore, her husband a racist and her daughter a pimp. American Woman see no problem with the sick attacks on Hillary as they don't say a word. Now if and when the attacks come to Mrs. Obama the out cry will reach other planets. Woman will not all those hateful words to be used against Connie Rice. Woman just don't want Hillary with her experience or qualification to get the job. Now I look forward to how the Woman Rights Movement deals with the fact that Woman will lose what they have fought for over 150 years.

I remember the meetings as the Civil Rights leaders met with all groups who were denied Rights. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Bill it included more that Blacks rights. Woman like most people get lazy and take things for granted. I read comments from woman who hate Hillary, but what does that tell the young generation of woman. It shows just how disconnected American Woman are from their own equal rights. I joined a Woman's Group for Justice in the 60's and these woman were from all walks of life. Some even had no interest in the rights for Blacks but we were there as Woman United. In time as each told their story we realized together we can win divided we all lose. What really surprises me is how older woman who know better are just turning their back and allowing all that hard work and sacrifice go away.

Connie will become black again at the time of need for the GOP. Blacks will have to choose a Black woman or a Black man who is still learning what's it's like to be Black in America. It's called the race card and it's been used before and used well. To bad we just can't judge people by the character not skin color.