Sunday, April 06, 2008

Get your new magazine, folks! Open thread!


Anonymous said...
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airJackie said...

That is known around the World now. Even Putin walked away from the idiot. Bush can just go back to his Texas Ranch and wait out the end of his term. He can talk to his Daddy about how to save him from the crimes he committed.

Now as for McCain one might think his lying apology worked on Black people. Look for years Blacks have fallen for the oh key doke. As Bush said he wanted minorities to have have they couldn't afford and now all are losing their homes by foreclosure and the credit rating are destroyed for life. There goes that American Dream. I saw the account of those around the US who were tricked into buying home 80 per cent were minorities. I talked to some Blacks during the 2000 election and they wanted to fit in so much with Republicans and brought the lies they voted for Bush, so they might do it again for McCain.