Monday, April 07, 2008

Feith Showing Consistency In Blaming Others For Iraq War’s Failures.

I missed Feith on 60 minutes last night. But, I watched the video. I have followed Feith and his crimes connected to the Iraq propaganda. I look forward to future special prosecutor in the investigation into the the Iraq propaganda and the other individuals involved in the blueprint. The special prosecutor should start with those who belong to the WHIG [White House Iraq Group or White House Information Group]

The members of the White House Iraq Group included:

Karl Rove [who chaired this group]
Karen Hughes
Mary Matalin
Andrew Card [who set up this group]
James R. Wilkinson
Nicholas E. Calio
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby
Michael Gerson


During an interview last night on 60 Minutes with former Pentagon official and Iraq war architect Douglas Feith, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft noted two key elements that led to the rise of the Iraqi insurgency shortly after the U.S. took control in April 2003: not having enough troops to stop the widespread looting and the decision to disband the Iraqi Army.
But instead of taking any responsibility, Feith quickly passed the buck, just as he has done in his
latest book. He suggested that if only his plan for Iraq had been put in place after the invasion, none of the chaos that ensued would have taken place:

FEITH: We developed plans to try to give meaning to the concept of liberation rather than occupation, and one of — one of my great regrets is that the United States wound up setting up an occupation government in Iraq for 14 months, which I think was a — was a serious mistake.
Kroft then noted that Gen. Tommy Franks once referred to Feith as “the dumbest guy on the planet” and former CIA Director George Tenet called Feith’s intelligence evaluations “total crap.” Feith replied: “I don’t think its a great thing” to “use harsh language.”

Hat tip to Crooks and Liars:

** For those of you who may have forgotten, General Tommy Franks is on record calling Feith “the stupidest f*cking guy on the planet.” **

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

I didn't forget what he said about Feith. Oh Feith may be literate but he lives in his own fantasy world making Franks spot on with his critique.

And didn't he visit Libby's side of the courtroom? Could have sworn (not under oath haha) he was there...

According to the Patriot Act, he and his buds could be stripped of their American citizenship. Of course Hillary and McSame support treason too, so he doesn't have much to worry about there.

Dougie and friends should be considered war criminals since this country's agenda was never first on their list. America didn't matter at all...It's not like they'd be men without a country, now is it Dougie? Does he believe enough in his war to sacrifice his children for this "noble cause?"
May they all swallow the bitter pill of injustice like they expect Americans and Iraqis to do.