Friday, April 11, 2008

Countdown: Bush’s Cruel Treatment Of Our Soldiers.

Crooks and Liars:

Today’s #5 story on Countdown resembled Keith Olbermann’s many Special Comments as he tore apart President Bush, his lies and cruel treatment of our soldiers by fact-checking his speech about Iraq.

Olbermann: "Last year he escalated the war in Iraq, today he announced that there would be deescalation beyond July, yet somehow stood there with a straight face and lied about how he was withdrawing troops. Now, that was hardly the lone instance of dissembling, tortured logic, sophistry and outright dishonesty in Mr. Bush’s latest sugar-coating of the undeniable and unforgivable fact that he is continuing to arrange for the needless deaths of American heroes.”


airJackie said...

Keith and Dan Abrams are the only shows that tell the truth. We now have proof that the Bush/Cheney Team signed for torture/spying. Each one of the Appointees that left office lied. Powell lied and so did Tentet. We allowed this Administration to kill 4000 plus soldiers and thousand of injured soldiers. We have nothing to show for the illegal invasion but a US recession and the lost of the US Justice System.

Anonymous said...

abuse of the troops is right. if bushdick really supported the troops, he would have reinstated the draft. but no, he thinks the demographics of enlisted "volunteers" is just ducky.