Friday, April 11, 2008

Conservatives boo new congresswoman’s Iraq remarks.

Go Jackie!

SF Chronicle:

It didn’t take long for Jackie Speier, the newest member of the U.S. House of Representatives, to put her straight-ahead style on display. Just as quickly, some of her new Republican colleagues greeted her with a sample of Washington-style partisanship.

Speier, who won Tuesday’s special election to complete the term of the late Rep. Tom Lantos, went right to work with a speech calling for action on a process to bring the troops home from Iraq. She mentioned Sen. John McCain’s observation that the United States could be in Iraq for 100 years. “History will not judge us kindly if we sacrifice four generations of Americans because of the folly of one,” she said.

Some Republicans booed. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, walked out of the chamber. Speier, an 18-year state legislator known for taking on tough issues and interests, was nonplussed at the mini-controversy.

“The truth is, I think it was a minority of Republicans that were booing - and they represent a minority of Americans who still support the war,” Speier said by phone Thursday.


airJackie said...

Jackie is talking about what people are saying and the GOP is scared. The area she represents will effect the Republican votes. As more elected officials come to Washington the old timers will be pushed back or out. Those Law Makers who follow the corrupt White House will be looking for jobs. Even Dems like Diane Feinstein are scared they will get found out.

Anonymous said...

Go Congresswoman, you have this military family vote. Someone told me Phil Donahue said young people are dying to save an old mans face.

And these shameful cowards will allow it. What pigs for booing HER instead of hanging their heads for blindly supporting treason.