Sunday, April 06, 2008

Bushed!: Helping Terror Globally, Refusing To Help Homeowners and How the GOP Really Supports The Troops.

Crooks and Liars:

Substituting for Keith Olbermann with nary a hitch in coverage or delivery, Air America’s Rachel Maddow gives us Bushed!.

First up is the news that George W. Bush’s “War on Terror”™ has had the opposite effect that they one supposedly intended: our sustained presence in Iraq has given terrorists an ample chance to train against our tactics and then take that training worldwide. Case in point, while 600 IEDs have exploded in Iraq, the number of IEDs exploded everywhere else is up for the third year in a row to 300.

Then there is the Senate Housing Bill being debated right now. Despite stating that they are doing this out of concern for their constituents, only $3.3 billion of the $15.3 billion bill would provide tax relief to homeowners, the balance of $12 billion slated to help the companies involved. Worst yet, it would strip language out that would enable bankruptcy judges to re-write terms to allow homeowners to keep their homes. Are we sure we have a Democratic majority? This sure sounds like a Republican Senate to me.

And finally, the tale of Rep. Patrick McHenry, who related a little tale during a GOP fundraiser in his native North Carolina about this “two bit security guard” that refused him entry to a gym because he lacked proper credentials for entering.

Just so you know, the gym McHenry wanted to use? It was in the Green Zone, in Baghdad. The “two bit security guard” McHenry derided was an American soldier in harm’s way protecting visiting Americans, like Congressman McHenry. And because this soldier followed proper procedure and refused special treatment to a big shot like Congressman McHenry, his reward?

Did he get to go home, like McHenry did? No, this “two bit security guard” stayed behind in Baghdad to fight McHenry’s war for him. Congressman, you feel a little apology coming on?

Carolina Politics (a GOP site) says that the security guard in question was a contractor, not a soldier. However, despite the fatter paycheck, the material point is the same.

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