Friday, April 11, 2008

Late Breaking news: Two more airlines filed bankruptcy!

With cancelled flights everyday and two more airlines gone, we are heading to a deeper recession, folks.

Frontier Airlines:
Frontier Airlines files for bankruptcy

Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc., a full-service commercial airline company, filed for bankruptcy, becoming the fourth airline to seek protection in less than two weeks.
The Denver, Colorado-based company listed both debt and assets of $500 to $1 billion in Chapter 11 documents filed before midnight in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The company did not give a reason for the filing.
The case is in re Frontier Airlines Inc., 08-11297, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
Another airline filing:

Oasis Hong Kong Airlines, a long-haul budget carrier that tried to offer premium service and spacious seats at low prices, suddenly went into liquidation on Wednesday and canceled all flights.
It was the fourth budget carrier worldwide to halt operations in the last week and a half. The bankruptcy filing by Oasis stranded thousands of passengers in Hong Kong, London and Vancouver.
High jet fuel prices have taken a heavy toll on the airline industry and particularly on low-margin budget carriers trying to compete on price. The three others to shut down since March 31, all in the United States, were Aloha Airgroup, ATA Airlines and Skybus Airlines.


Anonymous said...

......and KDA closed it's door in Chicago and told employees not to expect their last paycheck.........well we hear about the big companies, but how many millions of smaller companies are gone?

PrissyPatriot said...

Those plans aren't grounded just because of maintenance problems-the truth of the matter is we don't have the gas to fly them. Its all going to the war "effort"

Isn't that right, Dubya? Stars & Stripes ran a recent article on the fuel consumption for the war and its outrageous. Ration coupons on the way...

airJackie said...

Thanks for the info Prissy makes since to me. Now as for KDA your right TGCN this seems to be the way smaller companies are saving what little they have left. I remember when the US was doing good and an airlines called People's Express would take you to the UK/NY round trip for 99 dollars each way.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yep, no new houses means no new cabinets from KDA.

Anonymous said...

Or money to remodel either. Expect more of the same type businesses to have the same fate.