Saturday, April 05, 2008

After Complaints, WHNT-TV Must Respond to FCC.

The television station WHNT in Huntsville, Alabama, now has only 25 days to respond to a query that was sent out by the FCC. The query is about an allegedly suspicious and politically motivated blackout that occurred on a "60 Minutes" program on the former Gov. Don Siegelman.

Some reports have stated that the blackout was done on purpose and supporters are now in an outrage against the television station, WHNT.

WHNT has said that the blackout was from technical issues that they were having and it was not politically motivated, as reported by The Huntsville Times.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No problem just check out Sunday on 60 Minutes for part 2 with an interview with Gov. Siegelman himself. Now if there's another blackout I say wait until we have an honest Attorney General in office to complain, right now Musk Rat and his Dough Boy aren't taking any complaint or calls. Both are waiting it out and just collecting their kick backs as promised.