Monday, March 24, 2008

Tweety: ‘Maybe We Should Elect’ McCain To End The Iraq War.


Seeming to argue for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq during MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, Hardball host Chris Matthews asserted that terrorists and extremists “want us to constantly rebuild and reinforce and surge” in Iraq so they can “use it as the poster boy for everything that’s wrong with the West.”

But which presidential candidate does Matthews think is best suited to end the war? Not Sens. Barack Obama (D-IL) or Hillary Clinton (D-NY), both of whom have said they would end the war as president. Instead, Matthews chose Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who he said is “perhaps” a “great leader”:

MATTHEWS: I think there are ways to end it if we had a great leader perhaps, I’m not sure we have on the horizon, maybe it is McCain — to find a way — maybe we should elect a Republican in order to get us out of the war because irony seems to be a better bet than what we’ve gotten.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety took the cowards way out he joined the safe Peace Corp. Now if the draft came and his son was ordered to Iraq he would be singing a different tune. McCain can't remember who he is and might even thing this is the Vietnam War again unless Lieberman tells him the facts. GOP voters are changing parties even sitting up an Obama team. McCain go so few votes he must have paid for them. Things are so bad for the Republicans even Karl Roves old plans wont work this time. No need for McCain to use God as he made a fool of himself. He compaired the Jewish holiday Purim to US kids holiday Halloween. For those who don't know what that holiday is I suggest you read the Story of Esther for your answer it's in the bible.