Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Tweety Matthews Show: Does Anyone Care About Obama’s Race More Than Tweety?

No wonder no one is watching Tweety's show..
Crooks and Liars:
In fairness to Tweety, I don’t know if it is he who comes up with these Meter Questions asked of his panel of 12 regular talking heads. But even as others note Barack Obama’s speech as the turning point of the campaign as a step towards post-race politics (and look at the overwhelming numbers of the pundits questioned), it’s still all about race for The Chris Matthews Show.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety has problems that even doctors can't help him with. He's all over the place. He's showing the actions of a man who's scared. The ratings are so low he might join Tucker on the unemployment line. At lease Tucker's Daddy will buy him a job. Tweety might be like Brit Hume and have to live off his wife as Tweety's wife is an executive too. But it makes since he's made at all woman and has a thing for men. But his attack with racism is showing not to deep down he's a true racist at heart. I love the way his fellow reporters at MSNBC act like their surprised at his comments, knowing all the while he is a card holding KKK member as a loyal Republican.