Monday, March 24, 2008

Stone's Letter calls official Spitzer story into question.

And certainly would question the letter..

The letter, dated Nov. 19, said Stone gleaned the information from "a social contact in an adult themed club."

"The governor has paid literally tens of thousands of dollars for these services," Rolf wrote. "It is Mr. Stone's understanding that the governor paid not with credit cards or cash but through some pre-arranged transfer."

It continued, including particular detail -- Stone's lawyer wrote that the governor hadn't taken off his calf-length socks "during the sex act."

It's unclear whether Stone's letter sparked the investigation: court papers say the investigation began "in or about October 2007."

The New York Times reported that law enforcement officials "stumbled upon" the prostitution ring after they'd begun an investigation of Spitzer for potential corruption, after a bank flagged "suspicious transfers."

The missive's timing -- in November -- was preceded by contact from the FBI. The Miami Herald, which first reported on Stone's lawyer's letter, said the letter was written in response to contact from federal investigators.
"His lawyer wrote the letter containing the call-girl allegations after FBI agents had asked to speak to Stone, though he says the FBI did not specify why he was contacted," Herald reporter Amy Driscoll
wrote Friday.

Subsequent reports shed little light on why the FBI sought to speak to Stone before the letter was sent. The Times speculated that the bureau might have wanted to talk to Stone about a threatening message he allegedly left for Spitzer's father, which resulted in his being fired by New York's top Senate Republican.

Stone chose his words carefully when speaking to the Times: "He said that he was never interviewed by federal officials and that he was not sure his lawyers were contacted because of the reported call to Bernard Spitzer."

He did say, however, "in a series of e-mail messages on Sunday," that "his lawyers were contacted by federal investigators three weeks after the allegations about the call surfaced."

The FBI has declined to comment, either on whether they received Rolf's letter or if they contacted Stone directly.


PrissyPatriot said...

ya don't say, are you telling me this regime would Siegelman him?

airJackie said...

A friend from New York said this letter was in the paper. Stone who has three way group sex as his wife joins in was told by a friend Spitzer hired a prostitute. Now Stone doesn't have the kind of money the Spitzers do so he only hires cheap hookers. But he set up the sting with the help of his friend who wanted to replace Spitzer. It was a great plan with the help of the Feds. When the Feds told Stone they couldn't investigate an Official hiring a prostitute he let them know he was using campaign funds there by using the Patriot Act. Now to the stupid and poor people they didn't know Eliot Spitzer is a multimillionaire. But God doesn't like evil, and the plan is now backfired. Stone never knew that the Emperor Sex Club was used by the Duke of England, CFO of Time Warner, ex UK Prime Minister and many Billionaires and Saudi Princes. Yes the local New York paper reported Spitzer used his own money and committed no crime. Some even want to put Eliot Spizter name for the next Governor's Race. But it goes to show you how Americans hang a person before they get the true facts. Now I researched the real Eliot Ness and Spitzer is an angel in his person life compaired to the real Eliot Ness who was married three times, had more woman then you can count and even was arrested for a DUI. I guess that's egg in the face to those who put him higher then he was.