Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spitzer used own money for trysts.

As usual the media jumped the gun on the Emperor VIP club connection to Spitzer. And of course, I suspect Spitzer and his attorneys knew that this would blow up in the faces of the prosecutors and the lawmakers that wanted Spitzer out. the only thing Spitzer is guilty of is cheating on his wife and betraying his family and public. It still leaves a question: what about the other 9 clients?

ALBANY, N.Y. -- A review of Former Governor Eliot Spitzer's expense reports by the Associated Press shows he uses his own money for his sexual encounters.

After examining a year's worth of expense reports, the AP said there was no evidence that Spitzer's state credit card or his campaign committee paid for anything other than business related activity.

Spitzer resigned from office on March 17th following allegations he was involved in a prostitution ring.

Also this piece of news. This certainly showed a setup on Spitzer:

From McClatchy ...

Almost four months before Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in a sex scandal, a lawyer for Republican political operative Roger Stone sent a letter to the FBI alleging that Spitzer ''used the services of high-priced call girls'' while in Florida.

The letter, dated Nov. 19, said Miami Beach resident Stone learned the information from ''a social contact in an adult-themed club.'' It offered one potentially identifying detail: The man in question hadn't taken off his calf-length black socks ``during the sex act.''

Stone, known for shutting down the 2000 presidential election recount effort in Miami-Dade County, is a longtime Spitzer nemesis whose political experience ranges from the Nixon White House to Al Sharpton's presidential campaign.

His lawyer wrote the letter containing the call-girl allegations after FBI agents had asked to speak to Stone, though he says the FBI did not specify why he was contacted.

On side note for those that don't know Roger Stone: Remember the 2007 contraversial and threatening unknown phone call to Spitzer's father? It was suspected Roger Stone made that call. He denied the allegation.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now we see how the Republicans use the Patriot Act no only does it protect Bin Laden but it's used to bring down the Democratic Party. Yes Americans don't even know what the Patriot Acts is so it's easy for the White House to do what they want. Roger Stone did go after Spitzers Father and then the son. Americans and the people of New York fell for the lies hook line and sinker. It even showed have woman still don't understand and got played. Mrs. Spitzer loves her husband as the bible says for better or worse yet I notice those words don't mean much to some people. I like to always say Let the person with no sin case the first stone. Even God forgave David but of course some haven't read the bible just talk about it. The Spitzer Family together will come out stronger. That's what Families do. My Dad told me that you can tell who your friends are when your at your lowest point, because when your doing good everyone says their your friend. The real losers are the people of New York who rushed to judgement, but they did that with Jesus so this is Easter and God can see Americans have learned nothing. I remember when the Media released the information that John F. Kennedy had affairs while he was President. I still loved the man for what he did and didn't judge him for his person decisions. But that's just me others don't seem to feel the same way. Mrs. Sptizer told her vows to God not man and that's who see has to answer to.