Monday, March 24, 2008

SPB News for Monday.

We Don't Know This Sen. Joe — Sen. Lieberman has been too busy burning bridges to build any. — When The Day endorsed Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman for re-election in November 2006 it was supporting a candidate who demonstrated a history of pragmatic leadership and a willingness to seek bipartisan solutions.

2 Divergent McCain Moments, Rarely Mentioned — WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain never fails to call himself a conservative Republican as he campaigns as his party's presumptive presidential nominee. He often adds that he was a “foot soldier” in the Reagan revolution …

Iraq Invites Bids to Develop Akkaz Gas Field --Iraq negotiating with four major oil companies to increase production in five producing oil fields; Amman negotiations with Royal Dutch Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, and Chevron. Iraq's Oil Ministry has invited international companies to bid for the development of the Akkaz natural gas field, which has estimated reserves of more than 2.15 trillion cubic feet, the ministry said on its Web site. The ministry said the aim of the project is to export gas from the field, which is in the western province of Anbar near the Syrian border.

Staying in school just to stay insured There are the usual reasons to be in college, and then there is the one that dumbfounds Julian Gallegos, a business instructor at Community College of Allegheny County, Pa. Every so often, he says, he'll hear from a student who has missed so many classes, or sunk so low in grades that he'll suggest that the student withdraw from the course. The student pleads to remain, but not out of any love of the subject or any desire for a degree. Rather, it's because dropping the course would sink him below full-time student status, making him ineligible for coverage under his family's medical plan. "Usually, they don't want to be there," Mr. Gallegos said. "They're there strictly for insurance."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Looks like Connecticut citizens have no Senator to represent them now. They voted Joe and he's gone. McCain has done nothing for Arizona. McCain might have to be told by Lieberman or Graham that he is the Senator of Arizona because John has lost his memory. Something is up with Graham as he looks like a man who has seen his lover when he returned from Iraq. Now we know the lover isn't a woman so who's the dude?