Saturday, March 22, 2008

Results of last week's poll.

Last week's poll asked:

Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned after being linked as Client 9 to a prostitution ring. Client 6 had been named. How many more clients will be exposed?

Many readers answered: All clients will be exposed.

Let's hope so...

New poll is now up...


KittyBowTie1 said...

I missed who Client 6 was, the rich baron (or whatever he is) in England?

SP Biloxi said...


What have you been asleep. It must be cold out there in Chi-Town. Yes, Client 6 is the Duke of Westminister. Now, go find out who Client 10 is in Chicago and report back! ;-)

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yes, we got snow and raining ice (not quite hail, worse than sleet) in Chicago the past couple of days. That junk has to be cleared off the sidewalks and the driveway. The cat was busy.

SP Biloxi said...

I heard about the weather conditions in Illnois, kittybowtie. I feel bad for you and Chicago Native. This is not good weather for start of spring and Easter. It is hard for Illnois to have a Easter Hunt in that kind of weather. Stay warm there.

PrissyPatriot said...

Poor Kitty, you got what Columbus had last...hopefully the weather will brighten soon.

Happy Easter holiday bloggers-would you like a bite of ham, kittybowtie?