Saturday, March 22, 2008

President Kitty gives his speech on race.

Open thread folks! Write your own caption!


KittyBowTie1 said...

"Can't we all just get along?"

PrissyPatriot said...

The vp is a dog and I am cat. We don't speak the human language, which is why no one understands us...

airJackie said...

He's the right person. Now after reading the comments of Mr. Kitty for over a year on this blog and the intelligence he as show of not only world history and knowledge but just common sense if given the choice between Hillary/Obama I would change for vote to Mr. Kitty Bowtie.

First of all in fact animals do have a super brain. Notice how humans died in the tsunami yet the animals had the sense to run to higher land and not one died. Next humans take risk as animals use common sense.

I know Mr. Kitty is really a human but he is one of the most intelligent people on this blog as he comments lead a viewer to knowing more facts and do more research then other comments. I am an animal lover and every pet I've had has been in ways a better loyal friend then some humans. To understand Mr. Kitty Bowtie is to understand.

SP Biloxi said...

You sound like Rodney King, Kittybowtie!

It is amazing that animals have no problem with race with his or her owner and with other animals.

This tells you how intelligent animals are as compare to humans.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yes, that is the quote from Rodney King. I figured someone would figure that out.


Happy Easter tomorrow. Mama might get me a stuffed bunny on Monday, when they sell them for 1/2 of what they are today. ;-) Cats (and dogs) cannot have chocolate.

SP Biloxi said...

"Happy Easter tomorrow. Mama might get me a stuffed bunny on Monday, when they sell them for 1/2 of what they are today."

Ha Ha! Your mama is sure is cheap. So, she is waiting for the 50%-70% off from chocolate bunnies?


Happy Easter to you. The postings will be light tomorrow. I will check in the blog tomorrow evening when the festivites die down.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kitty's Mommy is just as smart as the Amish buying up products with an old promotion, same stuff better price. Besides expiration dates are for optimum product quality and not for safeness.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty and TGCN Happy Easter you to SPB.

Now Mr. Kitty if you get some chocolate save it for me I can eat it for you. Look I have no grand kids and I mess getting the candy and eating first just to test it for them. smile. I'm missing out on a lot of good candy because my kids are all grown up.