Thursday, March 27, 2008

President Cheney urges Arab states to send envoys to Baghdad.

BAGHDAD: US Vice President Dick Cheney during a surprise visit to Baghad yesterday strongly urged Washington’s Arab allies, like Saudi Arabia, to send envoys to Iraq, as a key step toward curbing Iranian influence.

“Our Arab friends would do well to send ambassadors to Iraq,” Cheney told reporters during the unannounced visit to Baghdad just days before the fifth anniversary of the March 2003 US-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussain.

“I think, especially if Arab states (are) concerned about Iranian influence in Iraq, one of the ways for them to counter that is to make a commitment to have a presence here as well,” he said.

Cheney’s visit comes just two weeks after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Baghdad where he called upon the US military to exit from the country.

His visit was seen as Tehran’s rising influence over the Shia government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at a time when Iraq is fighting to curb a Shia-Sunni sectarian strife that has left tens of thousands of people killed.

Earlier yesterday, Cheney said Washington will continue to offer “unwavering” support to Baghdad.

Cheney, on a visit aimed at highlighting security gains and promoting political progress, said he had been sent by President George W Bush to thank Iraqi leaders for their efforts in steering the country towards democracy.

He was in Baghdad, he added, to “reaffirm to the Iraqi people the unwavering commitment of the US to support them in finishing the difficult work that lies ahead”.

“It’s especially significant I think to be able to return this week as we mark the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the campaign that liberated the people of Iraq from Saddam Hussain’s tyranny and launched them on the difficult but historic road to democracy,” Cheney said after meeting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

The US vice president said security improvements in Iraq would not automatically yield more US troop withdrawals after July.

“No, it does not,” he said, stressing that troop levels would be guided by “conditions on the ground in the months ahead”.

Maliki said visits by US officials were crucial to helping achieve success in Iraq and in the US-led “war on terror”.

“These visits really cement and support the relationship between the two countries... the success that we achieve in Iraq against terrorism and in the war against terrorism which is a global war,” Maliki said.

Cheney also held talks with the top US commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, and US ambassador Ryan Crocker.

A series of bomb blasts greeted Cheney’s high-security and secrecy-shrouded arrival, underscoring the deadly violence that still grips the nation five years after US bombs began dropping on Baghdad to topple Saddam Hussain.

Soon after his arrival, three explosions rocked Baghdad, including a car bombing in the central neighbourhood of Karada that killed three people.

But in a bid to highlight the improved situation in Baghdad, Cheney criss-crossed outside the Green Zone to meet President Jalal Talabani, his two deputies and Shia leader Abdel Aziz al-Hakim.

The vice president’s 11-vehicle motorcade, at times escorted by heavily armed Humvees with machine gunners scanning the urban landscape and overflown by Apache helicopters, took him to meet Talabani and his deputies Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tareq al-Hashemi at his home.

He then went to Hakim’s office and also to the residence of parliament speaker Mahmud Mashhadani.

After his meeting with Cheney, Hakim said his views were “identical” with the US leader which will “help guide work on the long-term strategic relationship” with Washington that is currently under discussion.–AFP

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