Saturday, March 15, 2008

McSame fundraising pandhandling on Europe, Middle East trip.


Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) recently announced he would travel on a “10-day congressional delegation trip to Europe and the Middle East” next week, along with supporters Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT). “I’m going as a member of the Armed Services Committee, not as the nominee of our party,” he insisted. Nevertheless, McCain will still hold fundraisers:
McCain’s campaign has sent out an invitation for a March 20 luncheon at Spencer House — the neo-classical home built for an ancestor of Diana, the late Princess of Wales — “by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon. Nathaniel Rothschild.”
The price to attend is $1000 to $2,300. And the dress code for the event? “Lounge suits” — British for business attire.
Jill Hazelbaker, McCain’s campaign spokeswoman, said today that Congress will be reimbursed for the political portions of the trip.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Makes since as Hillary and Obama are getting campaign funds from Americans and McCain isn't. Now he can ask the Bin Laden Family, Saudi King and Dubai for some money since they got rich from the deals with the Carlyle Group that the taxpayers funded. I don't think the UK is interested in another Republican since Bush used them. PM Brown has already shown he's not interesting in the lying Republican Party. To back the Duke of England got his name released to the Media in the Emperior Sex Club scandal he might have given McCain a few bucks but not now. Looks like Cindy McCain will still have to pay her husbands way as she's done since she brought him oh so many years ago.