Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lickerman forced to correct Grampa McShame…again.

Real sad...
McCain, I'll have the Shiite burger, the Kurd fries, and the Sunni shake... ;-) And the GOP wants this man to be our next Commander-in-Chief?


For the second time during their taxpayer-funded overseas trip, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) was forced to correct Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) after he made an incorrect statement. Speaking in Israel yesterday, McCain referred to the Jewish holiday Purim as “their version of Halloween.” After McCain spoke, Lieberman stepped in and gingerly took blame for McCain’s mistake, saying that he had given McCain the false impression of the holiday’s meaning. NBC’s Mark Murray writes:
McCain’s mistake wasn’t a big deal. But what is interesting…is Lieberman’s role during this trip. In two days, Lieberman has intervened twice in front of the press — once helping McCain with a correction on Sunnis/Shiites and once putting the blame on himself regarding the description of Purim.

Purim actually “commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination.” (HT: HuffPo)


airJackie said...

This is getting old just as Grandpa McCain is. How many times will he have to be corrected. Looks like Cheney will have to be the new VP to make sure the mission is completed. Lickerman just needs a job because he is now a Republican and lied to the voters of his state.

PrissyPatriot said...

It's the Bush/Cheney redux, with brand new characters playing George and Dick!