Thursday, March 27, 2008

HTFC Mortgage Company and the Potty Mouth CEO

Warning: Language is strong...

GMAC Bank is suing mortgage company HTFC for selling improperly secured loans, which lead to the hilariously blue and aggressive deposition from HTFC CEO Aron Wider. Wider dropped the f-bomb 73 times, frustrating the opposing counsel's attempts to get him to answer difficult questions like "Where are you currently employed?" Some of the more colorful and creative expletives from the testimony of Mr. Wider, who, according to his company website, serves as company Coprorate Information [sic], CEO / Senior Underwriter, and Radio Engineer, inside...

Q: My question is where are you currently employed.

A: I' m not. I just told [you] I work for free.

Q: OK. You're not employed by the HTFC Corporation?

A: Hit That Fuckin' Clown. That's what it means. notes that the classy Mr. Wider got hit by a $29, 000 sanction for his performance, despite his lawyer's claim that his abusive language was caused by an anxiety disorder.

Q: This is your loan file. What do Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald do for a living?

A: I don't know. Open it up and find it.

Q: Look at your loan file and tell me.

A: Open it up and find it. I'm not your fucking bitch.

Q: Take a look at your loan application.

A: Do it yourself. Do it yourself. You want to do this in front of a judge. Would you prefer to [do] this in front of a judge? Then, shut the fuck up.

Q: Sir, take a look--

A: I'm taking a break. Fuck him. You open up the document. You want me to look at something, you get the document out. Earn your fucking money, asshole. Better get used to it. You'll retire when I'm done.

Wow, the mortgage industry is helmed by individuals of such sterling character and class. How it then imploded still remains a complete mystery. Wider and his attorney were subsequently fined $29,000 by a federal judge for violating the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Well that was interesting how many more of these are around. Now as for the Federal Judge who fined him for his bad words, Cheney will make sure he gets it back. Cheney uses worse language then that and no one says a word. I'm not sure anymore about Federal Judges after reading about Denver Republican Federal Judge Edward Naughty Nottingham. One would like to respect a Judge but you just don't know anymore. Judges can no longer claim saint hood.