Thursday, March 27, 2008

HJC to Seek Hearing with Jailed Alabama Ex-Gov.

Good !


The House Judiciary Committee will seek to hold a hearing where ex-Gov. Don Siegelman (D-AL), currently in a federal prison after conviction on bribery charges, will testify before the committee. A spokesperson for the committee told me that the panel has notified the Justice Department and the Bureau of Prisons of their intent, and that the official request to the Department would be forthcoming. The spokesperson said that the committee was hoping to hold the hearing sometime this spring.
The committee has already held one hearing on Siegelman's case, a hearing that featured one of Siegelman's former defense lawyers, Doug Jones. Jones testified that prosecutors had told him in 2004 after the collapse of one prosecution against Siegelman, that Justice Department officials had ordered them to "take another look at everything." An effort which ultimately resulted in the successful second prosecution -- a prosecution full of holes as 60 Minutes showed in its report last month.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Up date Mr. Siegleman is reportedly bailed out of jail. I guess the DOJ is scared now with the hearing being held by the HJC. Now I reviewed this charges and I'm only a paralegal and I can see so many holes in this case, there's more holes then Swiss Cheese. But it did show just has dumb the lawyers are who set this up. Time for Musk Rat to step in or alot of DOJ lawyers will be busted. I wrote to Gov. Siegleman to help him keep the faith that as Evil might be in charge now in the end Evil will lose big time.