Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter everyone! Open Thread!


Anonymous said...

hehehe, need more jelly beans!!!!

airJackie said...

The cartoon looks like Bush talking to Cheney pick which rabbit is which.

Now Happy Easter to all. It is a time to reflect. We see an Economy that is bankrupt and I remember President Clinton was the one who was the President who balanced the Budget after 30 years of a mess. I guess he knew what he was doing but Americans have forgotten.

The Patriot Act is used by Rep. Lobbyist Lawyer Roger Stone for a personal vendetta against Eliot Spizter, while Mr. Stone is worse then Spizter. Rush to judgement to destroy a man and his family for political reasons as the public and Media go along like Gerbils.

Attacks on Prostitutes while Americans praise Angelina Jolie and even make her an Ambassador to the United States. While Americans are so forgiving they let go the fact she was not only a whore but advised others to do the same. She stole a woman's husband and bragged about it and publicly displayed sex acts on TV. We now have put her past in the past and made her a role model for others to follow.

We allowed two elections to be stolen without saying a word. We allowed thousands of soldiers to die or get injured not a word. We have soldiers on their 4th and 5th tour with no end in sight we say nothing. Our country is in a recession while we look for the hand out of the rebate check and say nothing. Dick Cheney gives Americans his butt to kiss and yes we kiss it. Bush is a drunk druggie and we hail the Liar-in-Chief. Our Law Makers are crooks, steal and lie in our face we say nothing. The Media reports White House propaganda we say nothing. Republicans bring back racial hate and we say nothing. Republicans call themselves Christians yet McCain calls the holiday of Purim is like US Halloween. We have had 7 years of a White House that had brought this country to it's lowest since the time it was formed by the Founding Fathers yet we still say nothing.

What ever happen to the future of the United States of America can't be blame on the corrupt White House or the Law Makers the blame is fully on the American people. As the United States was formed by the people for the people. If anyone doesn't believe that take some time to read the first 2 lines of the United States Constitution. What's nice is people all over the world are educated in US History and tell you what it says in the US Constitution if you don't know.