Thursday, March 27, 2008

GOP: Bush is a fundraising liability for ‘08 election.

In a new New York Times Magazine article, National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) admits that President Bush may not be welcome at GOP campaign events all across the country:
Cole mentioned Bush, but everyone thought that would be a mistake. “I think this cycle he and the vice president are going to be doing a lot of fund-raisers in the South and the Plains,” he said, and everyone guffawed in agreement. Even for an audience of Republican donors, in politically contested parts of the country, the president provokes complicated feelings. On another occasion Cole said to me, “I love the president, but his appeal isn’t universal.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Look for the Clown President to ask Americans to give their big rebates checks to John McCain's campaign. Mitt is campaigning with McCain. I hope they don't go to Michigan and Ohio. Mitt promised the voters of Michigan that he would bring back the car industry. Another liar as TATA just got the expensive cars from Ford. Oh India is doing good and building their Economy with American Companies. Yes the Clown President gives Contracts to Foreign Countries will taking jobs away for Americans.