Thursday, March 27, 2008

Former USA McKay: Healing needed at Justice Department.

Suggested Citation
McKay, John, "Train Wreck at the Justice Department: An Eyewitness Account" . Seattle University Law Review, Vol. 31, p. 265, 2008 Available at SSRN:

Account of Firing of U.S. Attorneys in 2006 and the possiblity of criminal investigations against former Justice Department officials, including analysis of applicable criminal statutes.
Here are excerpts:
“In Washington state, my dismissal … was widely speculated as having been connected to the 2004 governor’s election, which the Justice Department has denied. However, former Attorney General (Alberto) Gonzales has testified he was aware of criticism of (McKay) for allegedly failing to intervene in the election by bringing criminal indictments. No credible explanation for including me on (an earlier) list to be fired in March 2005 has been lodged …
“Without question, the Justice Department needs healing. The hardworking men and women who serve (in the department) throughout the United States and in Washington, D.C., have been embarrassed by political leadership which has thoroughly failed them. … (They) have been forced to watch while their senior leadership have feigned memory loss, failed to take responsibility for their actions and sought to blame subordinates for their own failures. … They carry the heavy burden of broken trust.
“The resignations of the attorney general, the deputy attorney general, the associate attorney general and much of their senior staff have undoubtedly been a relief to those who have observed the faulty memories, political maneuverings and outright incompetence at the Justice Department.
“… We remain a nation at risk of terrorist attack. We also remain a nation at risk of violating the very rights and laws which have distinguished us among the peoples of the earth.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

My first thought on reading this article is my how fine is the Silver Fox if I were younger.

Now to business He's right not only healing is needed but trust to the system is needed. For 7 years were have seen criminal lead the Attorney Generals office with those hired only to follow the criminal plans directed by Dick Cheney. Trust is hard to get back it has to be earned. We watched Gonzo lie 71 times under oath and now Musk Rat plays like he can't see/hear/speak and stalls for time. Diane and Chuck did their part for the Bush Administration. I know Diane's husband got the big contract for her cooperation the only question is what did the White House give Chuck? Americans can see that their Law Makers can be brought for the right price.