Saturday, March 22, 2008

Feds may be closer to key witness in Spitzer sex probe.

<---This is whom the Feds are eyeing: defendant Cecil Suwal. Here is the latest:
Federal investigators may be close to getting another key witness in the case of ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer and the Emperors Club VIP, according to court records and an attorney familiar with the investigation.

If Cecil Suwal cooperates she could be a crucial source of information about the case and whatever Spitzer's dealings with Emperors may have been. When she was arrested on March 7, federal officials said Suwal was the day-to-day organizer of the call-girl provider's operations and controlled its bank accounts.
She also handled bookings and interviewed prospective prostitutes, according to investigators.The original federal criminal complaint said that in February Suwal monitored whether money for prostitution services sent by "Client 9," later identified as Spitzer, arrived in time for him to have a liaison with a call girl in Washington. One wiretap conversation indicated that it was both Suwal and Brener who said they had received Spitzer's money, thus allowing him to have his date on Feb. 13 with the woman later identified as Ashley Dupré, court records show.Dupré is cooperating with the investigation, according to a number of defense attorneys. Her lawyer said he didn't expect her to be charged.
Prosecutors have until April 8 to file an indictment against Brener, Suwal and the other two defendants.,0,7776956.story
All of this to nab one client! What about the rest of the nine clients?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

If this case goes to trial there move be more questions then answers. If these people take a plea it will look like a cover up. Now even if this does go either way it leaves the question like you said SPB was Spitzer the only Client? If not who were the other Rich men. The Duke of England is now saying he will sue. The Media is not saying a word about one client CFO of Time Warner or the ex Prime Minister of England. ABC is doing it's best to make Spitzer the only Client this Sex Club ever had and the amount of his money keeps going up with ever story. Now not a word about Denver Judge Edward Naughty Nottingham who has been hiring prostitutes since 1989 yes for over 19 years with no problem and still hiring prostitutes today while sitting on a Federal in Court. I have to hand it to Judge Naughty Nottingham not better Judges use the Court Computer to hire prostitutes, but he is a Republican and that's what makes it ok with the Christian Religious Family Values.