Sunday, March 23, 2008

Face The Nation: Graham Insists “The Surge Has Worked On All Fronts

Pass the popcorn please...

Crooks and Liars:

But the big picture for me is I’m incredibly pleased with the performance of our troops and Gen. Petraeus. On the political front, we’ve had the de-Ba’athification law passed. What does that mean? That means members of the Ba’ath party, who ruled the country under Saddam Hussein are now allowed to get some of their jobs back. That means the Shi’a and Kurds are saying to the Sunnis, ‘come back in and help us run the country.’ They passed a $48 billion budget, where every group in Iraq gets to share the oil resources. There was an amnesty law telling the prisoners in Iraq that we’re going to let some of you go…go back home, stop fighting, help build the new Iraq and most important of all we’re going to have provincial elections in October. The Sunnis boycotted the election in 2005, and everywhere I went in Anbar Province the Sunnis are ready to vote and be part of democracy.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now Graham has been going to Iraq alot lately one might think he has found a male soul mate. Yes I know he's doing everything he can to make McCain look like he still has a brain and memory. But as we know Graham is light in the loafers and it's just the way he looks before going to Iraq and when he just gets back. It's the way Bush looked when he hadn't seen Connie for a wild, a look of love and longing for that special person. I expect Senator Graham will make arraignments for his Iraq soul mate to move to the US if McCain doesn't get in office. He can always say he's the new gardener as Gabby said about your young male gardener that she was having sex with. I'm glad Larry Craig can now look for love freely without the Media checking every men's room he goes into. I read in his local paper he brought a new really big ranch so far out that no one can spy on him. His wife must really love him to except the fact he will never be hers but he's still looking for a male soul mate.