Saturday, March 22, 2008

Doctor Spin McRove: A ‘Win’ After More Years In Iraq ‘Will Rally The Muslim World To Us’


On Fox News’s The O’Reilly Factor last night, former Bush adviser Karl Rove defended the invasion of Iraq five years ago, saying that “if we win,” it “will send a powerful message throughout the Islamic world.” Claiming that “the Muslim world is waiting to see who is going to win the conflict” between “al Qaeda” and “the West,” Rove argued that a continued U.S. presence could create “energy for reform throughout the Middle East.”
“By winning, we will send a powerful message that the momentum is on our side,” said Rove. “And it will rally the Muslim world to us

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Is Rover smoking something funny to come up with that?

They didn't greet the Americans as "liberators" in mass numbers so this next delusion is not going to happen either.