Monday, March 24, 2008

Bill Moyers Journal: Body Of War.

Crooks and Liars:
On this week’s Bill Moyers Journal, Moyers spoke with Phil Donohue and Ellen Spiro about their new documentary feature Body of War, focusing on paralyzed Iraq vet Tomas Young.
DONAHUE: My inspiration for this film was the naked child running from the napalm. Remember that Vietnam picture? I mean, terrified, this little girl is totally naked. You can see the black smoke in the back. That picture won a Pulitzer Prize. See the pain. Don’t sanitize the war.
If you’re gonna send young men and women to fight for this nation, tell the truth. That’s one of the biggest reasons for the First Amendment. And we haven’t been. And so I thought I will tell the story, the real story of the harm in harm’s way.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I saw the report on PBS and Tomas's story. He really tells it like it is. I wish more Americans would listen to the soldiers who were in Iraq and lived everyday there. As the Media spins the story and the White House out right lies. We have lost many more then 4000 soldiers it's the way the White House counts our troops. The leave out those who die in the hospital's in Iraq or Germany and those who die on the way home or in Walter Reed. If the real number ever came out the public would be shocked.