Saturday, March 15, 2008

And what does the FBI knows about Client 10?

Who is Client 10?
That is, who is the man (or is it a woman?) who called New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's favorite online whorehouse, Emperor's Club VIP, to fly a young woman named "Chrissy" to O'Hare International Airport?

We all know that what happens in
Rosemont, stays in Rosemont."So, you're not going to tell us who Client 10 is?" Mueller was asked at a session with the Chicago Tribune editorial board."That's a question I knew I would get," Mueller said, laughing. "Now, I want to know why you picked on Client 10 as opposed to Clients 1 through 8? You must know something I don't."Mueller knows and he's not saying. If my boss knew, she'd have put it in the paper already.,1,6316657.column
And the real question is why FBI Mueller is diverting the reporters to focus on identities of Clients 1 through 8 and not 10?


airJackie said...

The FBI has to protect the clients but the names will come out anyway. Remember there's a price for everything and Americans will take the money. Client 10 is a name that will hurt the Rich and Republican Party and they know it.

Anonymous said...

They're saving the best for last, because Client #10 is Dick Cheney.

High Priced HookersVille

Anonymous said...

We can only hope Cheney was on the list, the sooner it comes out the better.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! You never know Anon. There was speculation last year that Cheney was on Palfrey's list. And of course, Cheney wasn't on list. The Emperor VIP Club member? Maybe or maybe not? This prostitution ring was much more sophisticated for people like Cheney's taste. But, I suspect Client #10 to be more a bigger fish than Spitzer that the FBI doesn't want to be exposed.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! You never know Anon. There was speculation last year that Cheney was on Palfrey's list. And of course, Cheney wasn't on list. The Emperor VIP Club member? Maybe or maybe not? This prostitution ring was much more sophisticated for people like Cheney's taste. But, I suspect Client #10 to be more a bigger fish than Spitzer that the FBI doesn't want to be exposed.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Rosemont--that was pretty funny. The dude running that joint was crookeder than the road going up Pikes Peak.

The mob can keep its dirty little secrets more secret than politicians.