Monday, March 24, 2008

W'04 + M'08 = 4 more years.

(courtesy of fubar over at needlenose. See animation)


PrissyPatriot said...

Oh that's so funny;D yes indeed, loved that animation. That says it all...

I heard but didn't verify there was like a 12% turnout rate amongst republicans in Ohio. That's not good news for the GOP, huh?

airJackie said...

Yes SPB four more years of the Bush/Cheney plan and the US will fall just like Rome did. Americans are so bad off all I hear is people saying they can't wait for their rebate checks to pay their bills.

Most States have reported many Republicans have changed their voting party to Independent as they choice not to vote for McCain. I heard 10 per cent of the people in Ohio are on Welfare. I do remember for 30 years one President could balance the US budget until President Clinton did it. Maybe the new President could ask him to help do it again as it worked very well. Oh that's right we can't ask a Clinton their the ones we hate and distrust. As Republicans report Bill Clinton got the US in the mess we're in now by allowing the US to have a 10 Trillion dollar debt and even illegally invading Iraq, he also made the World hate the US because of his policies. At lease that's what we're told to believe and as usual we believe everything we're told by the Media and the White House.

airJackie said...

I miss my Mr. Kitty I hope he finds the time to come back and I hope he has that Easter candy I asked for.

SP Biloxi said...

It may be funny bt it could be a reality if a vast majority of people let this happen.

Interesting turnout rate for the GOP in Ohio. That certainly a wakup call of the outcome of the turnout of GOP voters come November.