Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tweety Matthews = Crack Pipe.

And Hillary certainly clipped Tweety's wings from her Nevada win.
From Josh Marshall at TPM:
I do find myself wondering what sort of crack Chris Matthews is smoking during the station breaks. He was just describing Hillary's win in Nevada, saying she beat expectations that Obama was going to take it. Olbermann then helpfully pointed out that Hillary was actually ahead in all the polls.


airJackie said...

Josh might have a point something is really wrong with Tweety. I'd like to think it's because he's a loyal Bushie and getting pocket money from the GOP. But with his sexist remarks it seems more then just loyalty to the GOP. I know the MSNBC Executives are watching him now. I checked his web site and he has no comments but one topic his apology to Hillary got 174 comments.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Hardball must be wishful thinking on his part.

Hillary will get all these old boys so upset they will all need angioplasties.