Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tweety: ‘Giuliani hasn’t been beaten yet.’


On this evening’s Hardball, Chris Matthews made this incredulous and puzzling statement:
Some people think [the Republican presidential race] has come down to McCain, Romney, and — just because Giuliani hasn’t been beaten yet — Giuliani.

Note to Chris: Giuliani has not only been beaten, he’s been crushed. To recap: Giuliani finished fifth in
Iowa with 4 percent, fourth in New Hampshire with 9 percent, sixth in Michigan with 3 percent, sixth in Nevada with 4 percent and sixth in South Carolina with 2 percent.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety is being paid by Rudy to sale the lies and help his numbers. Now Tweety has been paid by Fred, Rudy, McCain and Romney. But stop giving money when he went broke. Fred stopped and then Tweety stopped talking. Romney was a one time thing. Now poor Tweety has lost viewers and lost his extra money. Rudy will go down fighting and still saying he alone save NYC from 9/11.
If anyone wants propaganda spread on the Media call Tweety he will do anything for a buck.