Sunday, January 13, 2008

Talks of Obama's blackness and other things..

The Carpetbagger Report:

One of the biggest myths of the Presidential campaign is that the only people questioning Barack Obama’s “blackness” are also black, perpetuated in David Greenberg’s Outlook piece for the WaPo.

This background may be what some people (mainly blacks) have meant when they asked the regrettable question of whether Obama is “black enough” to earn their votes. But Obama has always been black enough for his elite white enthusiasts, who would never presume to judge an African American’s racial authenticity — indeed, are all too happy to have such a question be kept, by prevailing norms, off limits to them.

Someone forgot to tell Tucker Carlson that (while not a supporter) being “elite” and “white” such questions were “off limits” to him, since they were already being discussed exclusively by black folks. A few months ago, he hosted an all-white panel of pundits to assess Obama’s racial authenticity.

On the August 8 edition of MSNBC’s Tucker, an all-white group discussed an upcoming forum at a National Association of Black Journalists convention that will address, according to the convention program — as quoted by The Washington Post — the question Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) “cannot seem to shake — is he black enough? Is this an unfair question? What is the measure of blackness and who gets to decide?” Host Tucker Carlson asked A.B. Stoddard, associate editor of The Hill, and Newsweek senior editor Jonathan Alter: “What exactly do people mean when they talk about Obama’s quote, “blackness”? … I’m not even sure what that question means. I know that it makes me uncomfortable and it strikes me as unfair, but what does it mean?” Carlson, who is white, devoted a full segment of his show — more than six minutes — to the issue of Obama’s racial identity and the effect of stereotypes on his bid for the presidency with Stoddard and Alter, two white journalists.

Speaking on Tucker, here is a segment back in September 2007 in which Tucker's distorted comment about Obama's sex life:

From Media Matters:

Summary: Tucker Carlson quoted Michelle Obama, wife of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), from a recent interview with Glamour, saying of her husband and children: "We have this ritual in the morning. They come in my bed, and Dad isn't there -- because he's too snore-y and stinky, they don't want to ever get into bed with him." But Glamour left out a key word from Michelle Obama's quote; she had said, "They come in my bed, and if Dad isn't there ..." -- the addition of "if" turning her remark into a conditional statement that her children come into bed "if Dad isn't there." But Carlson went beyond Glamour's original error, asserting, based solely on the inaccurate quote, that "the Obamas do not sleep in the same bed, Mrs. Obama is saying."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This is just Media spin and people trying to use the election to their advantage. Kerry showed he has no morals as he knew Edwards he's ex running mate was still in the race. Now yes I emailed Kerry. He now says it was to give Obama some Forgien Policy help. Like I was born yesterday, he taking advantage of the lack of experience Senator Obama has. Now I suggest the Obama camp stay away for comments about the Clintons and Civil Rights. As Hillary did personally meet with Martin Luther King in 1962 and I don't want to get started on what these two Bill and Hill have done for Blacks and minorities.
As for me yes a Black Mom I got to send my kids to college and one even spent a year in the UK college. I saw Bill bring the type of equality that hadn't happen since JFK. Don't get me started on Bill's proven record. Now I know Senator Obama would like nothing better to get a Clinton background of success and I know he's worked hard for minorities in Chicago. Race has no place in this race or even in America. All Americans should vote on who they think is best qualified and has the experience. Hope is great we should always have hope. Change is great but what changes will a candidate make as to date all that's said is change nothing else.
Hillary has given an economy plan repair the US economy yet no one else has a plan. Warren Buffit is currently working with Hillary.
Now my friend saw Senator Obama in New Jersey as he told people he would give them money to save their homes from foreclosure. I wondered was that comment just for votes or will Obama give every State homeowners money to save their homes. Where will this money come from and we have 51 States that need the same thing. I guess it's business as usual tell people what they want to hear then when they lose their homes oh well. Mitt is telling people in Michigan he will bring back the Car Companies now if they believe that sell them the Brooklyn Bridge.