Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rudy Gettin' Sad.


Okay, we've got another Rudy ad out and it's reaching the point of true pathos as Rudy tries to extend his 9/11 brand to anything else that is actually relevant to voters' lives. In his latest attempt, which you can see below, Rudy explains how among the Republican candidate only he's brave enough and tough enough to come out for a national catastrophe fund ...

"Some say that we don't need a national catastrophe fund, that FEMA can handle disasters. Others say they haven't looked at it yet, and want to sit down with the insurance companies first ..."

And to put it over the top Rudy does this one with a slightly funkified 70s porn soundtrack (not that there's anything wrong with that).

70's porn soundtrack! LMAO!


KittyBowTie1 said...

This one is way more funny, I mean creepy.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Rudy is an ass

SP Biloxi said...

Hey, thanks for sharing the Rudy video. Rudy is an ass for the disrespect to the man with Parkinson disease.