Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rev.Huckabuck Wants Some Immigration Halted.

ROCK HILL, S.C. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee called Tuesday for suspending immigration from countries that sponsor or harbor terrorists.
Hitting the campaign trail in South Carolina's Jan. 19 primary, Huckabee sharpened his rhetoric on immigration and embraced a tougher measure than any of his rivals have so far.
"There's a couple of things we're going to do differently," Huckabee told about 300 supporters in Rock Hill, shortly after arriving in the state from Michigan. "I say we ought to put a hiatus on people who come in here ... if they come from countries that sponsor and harbor terrorists."
"Let's say, until you get your act in order, and we get our act in order, we're not going to just let you keep coming and threaten the future and safety of America," he said.
"Every one of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 came here legally. Our government welcomed them in," Huckabee said.
Huckabee didn't mention the proposal at his second stop, a rally of about 250 in Sumter. Afterward, his new senior adviser, Jim Pinkerton, backed away from the proposal, saying that Huckabee really meant that wants a "thorough review" of immigration policies.
"It was crazy that of the 9/11 hijackers, they had 63 pieces of fake identification between them, and we're not going to let that happen," Pinkerton said. "Whatever it takes to cease and desist that, he'll do it.
"What should be the news is he's going to build a fence," Pinkerton said. Huckabee has been calling for a fence to seal off the U.S.-Mexico border for several months.
The national commission that studied the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks concluded that at least two of the 19 terrorists and possibly 11 others presented fraudulently altered passports when they entered the United States.
Huckabee wants to sound strong on illegal immigration in South Carolina, a state where the issue inflames GOP voters and where he is competing in Saturday's primary against Arizona Sen. John McCain, who has backed a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants.
Last month, Huckabee proposed to seal the Mexican border, hire more agents to patrol it and make illegal immigrants go home before they could apply to return to this country.
It is tough talk for a man who, as Arkansas governor, took a more forgiving attitude toward some immigrants in the U.S. illegally, attempting to make children of illegal immigrants eligible for scholarships and in-state college tuition.


airJackie said...

Rev. Huck is way over his head in being President. He's just a small time Pastor who collects money by using God's name. Put your money in the plate for a prayer from Rev. Huck.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, let's deport all the people who terrorize our citizens. Does Mexico have some room for the white trash meth dealers from Missouri who terrorize their neighbors?

What the hell is wrong with our young people if they will buy drugs from high school drop outs missing some of their teeth who couldn't pass chemistry class yet set up meth labs in their basements and wooden shacks out back?

Forget just say "no" because we know that won't work. How about showing some pictures of the white trash meth 'manufacturers' living in the trailer parks? Hey kiddies, do you really want to buy your drugs from Billy Joe Bob whose parents were cousins? Of course, play dueling banjos and some clips of "Deliverance."

Yes, I know that was very, very nasty but all this anti-immigration talk is only about Mexicans and not anybody else. The politicians are talking about terrorists only to hide their racism against Mexicans.