Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pelosi is confronted with protesters with BushDick impeachment buttons.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she’s drawing heat from fellow Democratic lawmakers as well as people across the nation for refusing to move to impeach President George W. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney.

“I go through airports, and people have buttons as if they knew I was coming,” Pelosi said with a smile, mimicking a protester pointing to an “Impeach” button on their chests.

But the California Democrat said she is sticking to her position that trying to remove Bush or

Cheney would be divisive, and she added, most likely unsuccessful. If the House voted to impeach Bush and Cheney, a two-thirds vote would be needed in the closely divided Senate to oust them. More on the story.


Anonymous said...

Smile smile Nancy, she knows when Hill gets s-elected-both sides-the abuser and the enabler will cover the trail of their misdeeds and the idea of America will die at last...and they'll never have to say it outloud.

Who was it that said when the autopsy is done on American democracy cause of death will be "the press" equally corrupt anti-American congress should also be listed!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ha! Impeachment people replaced the Hare Krishnas passing out flowers and the Moonies selling pins.

I've got to go laugh for probably ten minutes straight. :-)