Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Open Thread for Tuesday.


airJackie said...

Yes the idiot will be so happy as he leaves to be on his farm before they ask him to leave Texas. Now the picture shows the Gerbils new home. Notice he's alone with a McDonalds. He living out there with no one around but his bottle and drugs.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? Are we supposed to run up debt, sell that debt to India, China, etc., and then default?

I mean, what are these guys gonna do when we don't pay? Is there a Hindi mafia that will come here and break our legs?

How can you spend what you dont have?

Oh, in Bush-O-Nomics, I can always take out a loan, up to 50% of the equity of my real estate and financial portfolio.

Then I can go shopping at WHOLEPAYCHECK (Whole Foods, the upscale grocer that Jenna made famous on a late night talk show.) and really live it up.

I do shop Whole Foods, for special things, or really great cuts of meat, like whole loin rack of lamb, but not that often.


Anonymous said...

those are leiderhosen

Anonymous said...

all that is missing from the pic is the pinocchio nose.

SP Biloxi said...

"all that is missing from the pic is the pinocchio nose."

Ha Ha! Yup, Markie.. And of course, his nose would grow every second from every lie that he makes.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's not McDonnalds thats Mark Richs' cabin!

Anonymous said...

Ya he has been dancing all over the place on his so called foreign relations visits. Yes, the foreigners really are disgusted with him.

Anonymous said...

yes native. the arab press i
was just shaking it's collective head at his sincerity.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Pakistan not looking for Osama

Well, duh. Tell Musharraf we want our $5 billion dollars back he was supposed to spend looking for him, you know, our tax dollars he's been spending on hair dye.