Thursday, January 17, 2008

Open Thread for Thursday.

Welcome to George W. Failey's and Vice President Richard B. Potter's vision for America.


airJackie said...

Yes America will be Pottersville but the GOP Law Makers and Big Business will be just fine. Paulson is robbing the US Treasury for his personal company. Good move by Paulson to be appointed by Bush to make sure he got inside information and to help Goldman Sachs. It's sad that Americans aren't interested in the fact their being robbed from within the US Government. Bush and Cheney will cause this country to be brought by the Middle East. All those yelling about immigrants and those who speak Spanish, as all Americans will have to learn to speak Arabic as the main language of the USA.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Don't miss the irony of this 'great' economic plan unveiled and the stock market crashes more than 300 points.