Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nevada Caucus; Open Thread.

In Nevada, Candidates Talk and Voters Listen
By Matt Renner
t r u t h o u t Report

Las Vegas, Nevada - In the days leading up to the Nevada caucuses, the three top Democratic contenders have been focusing on their "ground game" - the ability of a campaign to get eligible supporters to attend the correct meeting on time. Because very few people participate in caucuses, the organization and energy of campaign volunteers can be decisive.

While political sparring has driven much of the national television coverage and may play a larger role in later primary contests, local political networks will drive the Nevada caucuses. Voting will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday.
For the first time, Nevadans will actually make a difference in the Democratic primary contest.

During the 2004 election cycle, roughly 9,000 Nevadans participated in the Democratic caucus. But because the Nevada caucus was moved up to become the third official Democratic contest in 2008, it has become a frontline in the battle for the presidential nomination and has attracted national attention. Democratic Party officials have said they expect somewhere between 20,000 and 100,000 people to participate on Saturday. More on the story.


airJackie said...

We want Hillary we want Hillary. Mr. Kitty and myself are voting for Hillary. Now Mr. Kitty doesn't know it yet but I will do a write in ballot for him. I love that cat. Now I know my daughter might vote for Senator Obama but I want Hillary to be our next President. Maybe Brother Bill will allow me and Mr. Kitty to visit for lunch at the White House.
Now I know Mr. Kitty might get mad but this is best for the country.

Anonymous said...

Hillary all the way. Kittybowtie is behaving tonight. He will be the first cat to cast his vote with his paw. Kittybowtie decided to vote for Romney instead of Obama. I'm deeply disappointed. Kittybowtie fell for Romney's campaign promise that all cats can get a pension, lifetime Iams cat food, and can sue their owners for pain and suffering. I hope Jackie can talk to the cat!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Very funny! There is no way the Cat is voting for Mr. GQ Haircut Romney.

The Cat actually hopes for a Clinton / Obama ticket (in either order) with Bill Richardson as Secretary of State and that they don't get anymore negative. Experience is needed *and* the young people do need to hear a message of hope because they are the ones who will have to clean up this country and be saddled with an 11.5 trillion national debt (the cat's prediction as to where it will be in a year). If the young people don't have any hope, they won't work and will sit on their butts. That's what the current people are doing and they need to get out of the way. Counting oil company profits isn't work.

Al Gore should be Secretary of Energy, but he probably won't be interested.

SP Biloxi said...

"There is no way the Cat is voting for Mr. GQ Haircut Romney."

Kittybowtie otes for Mr. GQ? Oh my.. Better have a long talk with your mama, Mr. Kitty. ;-)

SP Biloxi said...

Also, kittybowtie.

I agree with you about Richardson. Richardson would make a a good Secretary of State. Regardless who gets in, Bubba needs to be utilized. And we someone in 2009 to rebuild back the foreign relations.