Tuesday, January 15, 2008

NBC to appeal to keep Kucinich out of debate.

LAS VEGAS - NBC News said Monday it will appeal a judge's ruling rather than include Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich in a candidates' debate in Nevada.

"We disagree with the judge's decision and are filing an appeal," said a statement provided by Jeremy Gaines, a vice president for MSNBC, sponsor of Tuesday night's debate. Gaines said the parent network would seek an immediate hearing before the Nevada Supreme Court.

Hours earlier, Senior Clark County District Court Judge Charles Thompson ruled that Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, must be allowed to participate. If he is excluded, Thompson said he would issue an injunction to stop the televised debate.

Kucinich's lawyer had argued that MSNBC at first invited him to participate, then last week reversed course and told him he could not.

A lawyer for the network said MSNBC decided to go with the top three candidates after the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

Thompson called it a matter of fairness and said Nevada voters will benefit if they hear from more than just Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards.

The cable network and the Democratic Party have promoted the debate as a chance for the candidates to be questioned about issues from Nevada's minority communities. Tim Russert and Brian Williams are the scheduled moderators.

Kucinich learned of the judge's decision when he was handed a note during an interview with Fox Business Network's Neil Cavuto.

"Holy smokes! I just found out. I have to get off the phone now. I have to make plans to go to Nevada," Kucinich said.
MSNBC and the Democratic Party are calling the 9 p.m. EST debate a chance to hear issues from Nevada's minority communities. NBC's Brian Williams and Tim Russert are moderating.


And I have to agree with judge. If Kuncinich is now allowed to debate, then the debate should not go on. The public should hear all candidates. And I see on the GOP side that all of candidates are allowed to debate. MSNBC is being prejudicial to this Presidential race.

Update: The Nevada Supreme Court will hold oral argument (pdf) at 1:30 PT. Issues: State vs. federal jurisdiction and "the absence of state court jurisdiction to hear a claim for breach of contract."


airJackie said...

MSNBC is wrong and they know it. The top office is trying to change Democracy of America. If Keyes is allowed in a debate and he isn't even in the race then all those in the race should be asked to attend. This shows just how MSNBC is under the control of the White House. I hope the Judges stop the airing of the Debate.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The other candidates should decline the invitation. If the Democrats can get all pissy at Michigan for moving up their primary (which is just stupid, yet fair), then they should say that if Kucinich can't debate, then they won't.