Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Musharraf: Pakistan isn't hunting Osama.

PARIS - Pervez Musharraf says he still gets the question a lot: When will Osama bin Laden and his top deputy be caught? The Pakistani pre That bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri are still at large "doesn't mean much," the former general said Tuesday on the second day of a swing through Europe. He suggested they are far less a threat to his regime than Taliban-linked militants entrenched in Pakistan's west.
Bin Laden and al-Zawahri are believed to be hiding somewhere in the lawless tribal areas along Afghanistan's frontier with Pakistan.

"The 100,000 troops that we are using ... are not going around trying to locate Osama bin Laden and Zawahri, frankly," Musharraf told a conference at the French Institute for International Relations. "They are operating against terrorists, and in the process, if we get them, we will deal with them certainly."

"The 100,000 troops that we are using ... are not going around trying to locate Osama bin Laden and Zawahri, frankly," Musharraf told a conference at the French Institute for International Relations. "They are operating against terrorists, and in the process, if we get them, we will deal with them certainly."
More on the story.


Anonymous said...

Of course Musharraf isn't going to waste his time.

airJackie said...

Musharraf was used by the US now he's fighting to save his job. He could care less about Osama then and now. The money was never used to look for Osama it was a front to steal the taxpayers money. Musharraf would even join Al Qaeda if it make he keeps his job. Look he has Nukes and can use them against the US if necessary. This is what happens when you threaten to bomb a country if they don't do as you say, now the tables have turned on the US.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The Gerbil can pass out those $300 refund checks out of the Musharraf gravy train that has been a total waste.