Friday, January 18, 2008

More pressure on Kuwait to free cross-dressers.

(h/t from TGCN or Chicago Native)

Human Rights Watch urged the Kuwaiti authorities to free from prison 14 men jailed in recent months for having dressed as women in public.

Kuwait "should immediately release more than a dozen persons jailed under Kuwait's new dress-code law" since mid-December, the New York-based rights HRW said in a statement.

According to the statement, Kuwaiti authorities should immediately drop all charges against those arrested, and investigate charges of ill-treatment in detention.

According to HRW the Kuwaiti National Assembly approved in December a law which criminalises people who "imitate the appearance of the opposite sex." Since then 14 people have been arrested.

The new law targets namely "transgender people... (and) aims at further restricting their rights and completely eliminating their public presence," it added.

Joe Stork, deputy director of HRW's Middle East division, dismissed the law as "respressive" saying it is meant "to eradicate the freedoms and visibility of people who already face discrimination daily."

HRW quoted friends of the prisoners as saying they were being subjected to "physical and psychological abuse", including beatings, and that none had access to legal representation.

"The beatings and ill-treatment to which authorities reportedly subjected the prisoners violate internationally recognised prohibitions against torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment," it said.

HRW, quoting the Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai, said prison authorities ordered guards to "shave the heads of detainees as a form or punishment."

The paper quoted a prison administrator as saying 'this step (shaving heads) follows the passage of the law concerning men who imitate the appearance of women,' HRW said.


airJackie said...

Now that is a project Rudy can do. He can make it his mission to free all the cross dresser in prisoned around the world. Like Bush, Rudy will let other run the USA. Bernie will be a free man to live in the White House with Rudy and his third wife. With the money he can steal from the US Treasury he can buy a better wig.

Anonymous said...

Can't Rudia help in this situation? This is something he is really qualified to do, his area of expertise is crossdressing.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Send John Travolta.

Anonymous said...

Oh no don't send Travolta, he was horrible in Hairspray, I got through the first third of the movie before I decided I could not bear to watch anymore.

No they need a real pro at cross dressing, Rudia walks better in heels than most women.