Monday, January 21, 2008

Looking the other way on Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

The Carpetbagger Report:

Gay soldiers discharged under the DADT policy have dropped from over 1,200 a year in 2001 to less than half of that now. The far-right Washington Times has a report today suggesting that’s probably not a coincidence.

The U.S. military says it is enforcing the ban on open homosexuals in the ranks, as it has for decades, in the face of statistics that show a sharp drop in the number of discharged homosexuals as wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue.

Homosexual rights advocates cite the plunge as evidence that the military is losing interest in enforcement and lets openly homosexual men and women serve because commanders need every able-bodied troop.

“Truth be told, I don’t think the Pentagon is a big fan of the law anymore,” said Steve Ralls, spokesman for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, which is pushing for the ban’s demise.

Asked to explain the sharp drop in discharges, Pentagon spokesperson Eileen Lainez said “we can’t speculate as to why the number of discharges has declined.”

Well, I suppose I can understand why the Pentagon “can’t speculate,” but the rest of us can speculate all we want.

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