Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lawyer: Goss never objected on CIA tapes.

Throwing Goss under the bus...

Former CIA Director Porter Goss never criticized plans to destroy interrogation videotapes, a lawyer said Thursday as the investigation began shaping up as a matter of competing storylines.

Jose Rodriguez, the CIA official who gave the order to destroy the tapes, is at the center of Justice Department and congressional investigations into who approved the plan and whether it was illegal. His attorney, Robert Bennett, said Goss and Rodriquez met several times to discuss the tapes and Goss was never critical of Rodriquez' decision.

After a first round of hearings on Capitol Hill, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee said Rodriguez defied orders that the tapes be preserved. More on the story.


Anonymous said...

Hear an echo of Shirlington Limo DHS contract Wilkes Wade Foggo Goss Hooker Gate ???

SP Biloxi said...


I remember the Hopokergate and how Goss handpicked Foggo. But, Nine fingers Bassett who worked in that same area persuaded Goss to hire Foggo. People were suspicious on why Goss would hire Foggo. There is still speculation that Goss attended the poker parties and may have been in ties with the prostitution angle.

airJackie said...

Now everyone knows Porter got the top job to follow orders since he knew nothing, he didn't even know how to use a computer. Bring Porter in to testify he's most likely in Canada with his male soul mate from the Hookergate party. We will hear more lies and in the end Dick Cheney again is the person. Remember how much time he spent at the CIA office even ordering the emails about Plame to be destroyed.

Porter Goss will have to lawyer up and he might try for the best Attorney that is SPB to represent him.