Tuesday, January 22, 2008

King George Determined To Strike In Iran.

Crooks and Liars:

The Wall Street Journal ran an article last week (subscription req’d) that Bush was using an investigation into a 1994 terrorist attack on a Jewish Community Center in Argentina as a way to continue to strain and maintain pressure on Iran.
The only problem? There’s
no real evidence that Iran was involved in the bombing:
(I)t is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the case against Iran over the AMIA bombing has been driven from the beginning by US enmity toward Iran, not by a desire to find the real perpetrators.


airJackie said...

The Gerbil is pushing the topic of bombing Iran as a smoke screen for what the White House is really doing behind the backs of Americans. Look the Gerbil is trying to put in place for the US to stay in Iraq and keep giving them money, as the next President takes office. Yes he's working out a plan with the Iraq Government that would make it impossible for the new President of the US to break. Yes Cheney is making his personal deals with Canada for shares of their oil. So the Media pushes this fake story out and they use the Debate with a fake argument to keep Americans from knowing the truth.

Now during the Debate in South Carolina only Hillary brought up the Bush/Cheney plan and only she is working to stop it. Edwards can't do anything because he's not a Senator any more. Senator Obama is busy with the campaign and the problems in Africa. Let's hope Hillary's plan to stop Bush/Cheney works.

Anonymous said...

Obama also said we could have all new roads bridges, hospitals and schools with the money spent so far in Iraq.

We can't afford another conflict, this would truely put this coutry in the direction on no return.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Argentina? Hell, that could have been escaped Nazis for all we know, one last bang before they kicked the bucket.