Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hardball: Stephen A. Smith calls Rudy “a dictator”; Buchanan calls McCain “Bush on steroids.”

Crooks and Liars:

Buchanan: [Guiliani’s foreign policy] would be a neo-conservative foreign policy. But I’m afraid McCain’s will be as well, Chris. He’s very bellicose, hes got that in-your-face attitude Bush does.

I think we could very well be at war with Iran. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve always been very skeptical of McCain — I think he’s Bush on steroids.

Smith: Giuliani is a dictator as far as I’m concerned.


Anonymous said...

After Florida Rudia might be history and we won't have to worry if he is accessorising properly or anything else.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Holy cow, Buchanan might actually be right about how scary McCain is.

First mama has breakfast with Blago, then the cat finds something useful that Buchanan said.

Wow, the world might end.