Friday, January 18, 2008

Falafel King Calls Edwards A Charlatan Over Homeless Vets.

LOL! Memo to Olbermann: Give BillO the gold....

Crooks and Liars:

Bill O’Reilly has been attacking John Edwards since his campaign began and now he’s taken it onto bizarro-land. Billo made a big point of telling both Edwards and Ed Schultz that there just weren’t that many homeless veterans. The ego that dwells in the depths of Bill’s mind must be a very dark place indeed—BillO couldn’t be wrong, so he changed the rules. Now he admits that there ARE homeless vets, but not due to economic reasons, as he says Edwards claims (watch it again, do you hear him say that?) but because the veterans are substance abusers. John Edwards did respond to BillO’s last attack on the troops, but it’s pathetic to misquote Edwards and then say he owes BillO an apology.

His whole take on poverty in America is a novella by itself. He actually uses himself as a model of success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Falafel is the worst Charlatan making profits for writing children's books, and books on children.....he says he is trying to help children and parents.....and how much has he made doing this?