Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Falafel Factor: Leave no homeless veterans behind.

Crooks and Liars:

Progressive radio talk show host Ed Schultz went on The O’Reilly Factor (Why, Ed? Why?) to give his views on the Democratic half of the presidential slate. Never one to pass up the chance to bring up past stupidity, when the talk went to John Edwards, Billo brings up the ridiculous assertion he made when John Edwards was on that there are no homeless veterans.
ES: I think (Edwards’) message is strong and he has tremendous conviction, but I think he needs a little bit more material than just the “Two Americas” talk, he got to get a little bit deeper…
BO: Well, we’re still looking for all the veterans sleeping under the bridges, Ed, so if you find anybody, let us know, because that’s all the guy said for the last three nights…
ES: Well they’re out there, Bill. Don’t kid yourself.
BO: They may be out there, but there’s not many of them out there. Okay? So if you know where one is, Ed…
ES: Well, actually…Now, wait a minute…one in ..
BO: Ed, Ed. If you know where’s a veteran, sleeping under a bridge, you call me immediately, and we will make sure that man does not do it. Is not there.

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