Monday, January 21, 2008

Dickster emails missing from day leak probe started.


Last week, House Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that the White House failed to preserve emails for at least 473 separate days. Waxman’s report said “Vice President Cheney’s office showed no electronic messages on 16 occasions from September 2003 to May 2005.” Among the sixteen days for which email are missing from Vice President Cheney’s office “is Sept. 30, 2003, the same day the day the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced they were investigating who outed former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson.”

From the CREW:


airJackie said...

Dick ordered the leak but used his idiot soldiers to do the job. So much has come out that makes it known that Cheney did it. Now you notice Mikie the new AG isn't saying a thing and hopes it goes away. Mikie will never allow his boss to be indicted or investigated. Most of the CIA agents that left the agency have already said publicly that Dick ran the Office and nothing has been said or done about that. We have a corrupt Administration who lined up every Government agency to be corrupt. They put Judges in place, Education officials in place, Environment, DOJ, Supreme Court and every other agency to cover up the crimes. Nixon's plan of crime has been up dated by Dick Cheney and it worked. Americans have been robbed with their eyes open as the paid Media spins the lies.
We see the change in the weather and yet Bush said there's no Global Warming and Americans still believe what he says not what they see. If a person who chooses to work for the CIA now they must know if necessary to protect a lie the White House will leak their name and cause them to be murdered. As far the the 9/11 Commission they were just like the Warren Commission used to cover up the crimes and lies by the White House. Americans have shown they can be brought as we see Congressman funding the terrorist and State Officials leaking the covert agents name of fake business to Iran. Money is the answer to invade the US just give Americans money and they will turn on each other. The reporters are lying for the money the GOP is paying them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the cartoon, Dick Cheney was behind the puppet all the way. The middle East knew he was the Supreme leader of this country, early on in the first term, long before any here got smart to him. But now it has become so blatenly obvious that the Gerbil is not capable of runnig a popsicle stand much less a country. And the Gerbil went to the middle East to help things, now things on the Gaza strip are worse.